A Team Brand photo session is a lot more than just staff headshots or group shots of the team - it offers lots of creative ways to boost your business (some less obvious than others!).

Here are 10 ways (with some bonus ideas at the end!) how you can use your photos:

Website content

Your brand photos can be featured on almost every page of your website. Use them in the homepage banner, About page, ‘Meet the Team’ page, and as filler images throughout. This creates consistency and ties the whole website together nicely.

Social media

Having a good bank of professional photos of your staff, team and work environment means you always have photos ready to use for social media posts. Introducing a new team member, highlighting staff success, or sharing behind-the-scenes content are great ways to connect with your audience.

Marketing material

Use your brand photos in brochures, adverts, banners and other promotional material to make them visually striking and leave a great impression for potential new clients.

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Add your photos to your email newsletters to make them more engaging, visually interesting and personable.


Include team photos in press releases to put a face to your team and improve your brand’s visibility.


Incorporate your brand photos in presentation decks to make them more engaging and visually appealing. Use them as background images, introduction slides, or to highlight team members.

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team brand photography london construction
team brand photography london architects

Staff profiles

Use individual headshots from a team session on platforms like LinkedIn as well as on the Team section of your company’s website.

Blog posts

Team brand photos are perfect for blog posts about your company, team achievements, news, and more.


Using team photos to for recruitment campaigns can be a great way to increase interest for a job position - it gives the candidates and idea of what it could be like working at your company.

Office decor

Some of the more creative and abstract photos can look great as printed artwork - putting them in frames in the office can boost the team’s morale and create a nice office vibe.

There are many other ways you can use your brand photos for, including event promotions, annual reports, online events and season greetings to clients… The only limit is your imagination!

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