I met Louise at a flexible working parent’s event organised by Doing it for the Kids in Sheperd’s Bush a couple of months ago. We talked about our businesses, and Louise (who is an Art & Heritage consultant) mentioned she needed a few photos for her website and social media presence. When asking her about where she lived, it turned out she lived in the same town as me, and just around the block! Such a coincidence (like it was meant to be!?).

So we decided to take a few headshots in our local area, mainly along the river. Below are a few of the photos from the session - to book a session for your business, please get in touch on info@carinthakrar.com!

west london personal branding photography
west london personal branding photography
west london personal branding photography
west london personal branding photography
west london personal branding photography
west london personal branding photography
west london personal branding photography
west london personal branding photography
west london personal branding photography
west london personal branding photography